字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>快跑的英文翻譯


拼音:kuài pǎo


run for it; tantivy


1.giddap  2.scamper  


  1. 快跑,不然你要遲到了。
    Run or else you'll be late.
  2. 快跑為的是要趕上火車。
    I run fast so that I may catch the train.
  3. 天像是要下雨了,我們趕緊快跑吧。
    It looks like rain; we'd better run for it.
  4. 天色漸漸晚了,我們必須快跑
    It is getting late , we must fly .
  5. 經常是短距離的快跑
    run very fast, usually for a short distance
  6. 快跑過後讓我喘一口氣。
    Let me catch my breath after running so fast.
  7. 快跑, 狗正在追我們。
    Speed up, the dog is running after us.
  8. 逃亡者想停下來休息,但怕被抓住的恐懼又催促他們快跑
    The fugitives wanted to rest,but the fear of capture whipped them on.
