字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>狂暴的的英文翻譯


拼音:kuáng bào de


violent; turbulent; roaring; blustering; rampageous; rude; wild
【醫】 furibund


1.knockdown-and-dragout  2.ropeable  3.procellous  4.turbulent  5.skimble-scamble  6.wild-eyed  7.nasty  8.wroth  9.tigrish  10.rampageous  11.frantic  12.wild  13.lunatic  14.blustery  15.rawhide  16.rampant  


  1. 七夜喊他停下來,並狂暴的追逐著志貴。
    He yells at him to stop, and chases after him in a frenzy.
  2. 狂暴的火焰將把你熔為灰燼!
    The flames of my rage will incinerate you!
  3. 狂暴的在行動力或外表上表現出極端憤怒的;猛烈的
    Suggestive of extreme anger in action or appearance; fierce
  4. 你要對一群狂暴的、變異的、無聊的玩家負責。
    You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players.
  5. “她跟你說過什麼?”這老漢狂暴的叫著。
    "What has she been saying to you?" screamed the old man furiously.
  6. 你要對一群狂暴的、變異的、無聊的玩家負責。
    You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players
  7. 狂暴的龍捲風襲擊了一所學校,造成8名學生死亡。
    Eight students died when a killer tornado ripped through the school
  8. 七夜喊他停下來,並狂暴的追逐著志貴。
    He yells at him to stop, and chases after him in a frenzy
