字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>庫柏的英文翻譯


拼音:kù bǎi


【經】 Cooper


  1. 我和艾麗絲·庫柏小姐約好了。
    I have an appointment with Miss Alice Cooper.
  2. 我想給庫柏先生打個電話,但一直占線。
    I tried to call Mr. Cooper, but the line was busy.
  3. 傑爾:我能和庫柏先生說話嗎?
    5 Jill: May I speak to Mr. Cooper, please?
  4. 我可以和庫柏先生通電話嗎?
    May I talk to Mr. Cooper?
  5. 從各種角度而言,庫柏都是最成功的人之一。
    Cooper was certainly on all accounts one of the most successful.
  6. 庫柏先生說,這是一個相當複雜的問題。
    According to MrCooper, this is a quite complicated problem
  7. 請你告訴庫柏先生,說我給他打過電話,好嗎?
    Would you please tell Mr. Cooper I called?
  8. 庫柏先生因為使用射距過短的球桿而未能打到果嶺。
    Mr. Cooper failed to reach the green through underclub.
