字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>勞動力的英文翻譯 “勞動力”的日文翻譯


拼音:láo dòng lì


labour force; work force
【經】 labor force; work force


(1) ∶從事特定活動的勞動者工廠的勞動力(2) ∶人的勞動能力,人用來生產物質... >>查看“勞動力”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 勞動力資源地理
    geography of labor force resources
  2. 現在把它拆卸開,就會浪費大量勞動力
    To take it apart now would mean wasting a lot of labour
  3. 建立鐵路勞動力市場的構想
    Assumption of Setting up Railway Labor Market
  4. 勞動力量中婦女的人數和比例與年俱增。
    The number and proportion of women in the labor force grow every year.
  5. 21世紀初勞動力市場與教育對策
    Labor Market & Education Strategies in the Early 21st Century
  6. 鐵路運輸系統勞動力合理配備模型的研究
    Models of Labour Distribution in Railway Transportation System
  7. 鄉鎮企業容納了百分之五十的農村剩餘勞動力
    Rural industries have absorbed 50 per cent of the surplus work force.
  8. 所以他認為較少的勞動力將會給經濟來來壞的影響。
    So he says a smaller workforce could have bad effects on the economy.
