- 他們想法把危機造成的負擔轉嫁到勞動人民身上去。
They tried to shift the burden of the crisis on to the working people.
- 社會財富是勞動人民創造的。
The wealth of society is created by labouring people.
- 在那些日子裡,勞動人民過著牛馬般(牛馬不如)的生活。
In those days, the labouring people lived no better than beasts of burden
- 他們越來越傾向於和勞動人民站在一起。
They tend to line up with the working people more and more.
- 資本主義制度建立在剝削勞動人民的基礎上。
The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people.
- 號召全世界的勞動人民團結起來。
The laboring people of the world are called on to unite.
- 醜化勞動人民的形象
smear the images of the labouring people
- 保持勞動人民的優良品德
keep the fine qualities of the working people