字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>樂的英文翻譯 “樂”的日文翻譯



be amused; be glad to; cheerful; enjoy; happy; joyful; music


樂 (樂) lè 歡喜,快活:快樂。樂境。樂融融。樂不可支。其樂無窮。樂觀(精...


  1. 譬如草莓上市之際,若能大快朵頤,豈非快無比?
    It is pleasure to enjoy the strawberries when they come into season.
  2. 表示兩個或者四個半音符構成一個小節的音拍子記號。
    a musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure
  3. 對(某人)是無上的趣;精神寄託
    Be meat and drink to sb.
  4. 那支隊進行巡迴演出近一個月了。
    The band has been on the road for almost a month.
  5. 管弦團正為了音會在排練。
    The orchestra is preparing for a concert
  6. 部成員;聯邦儲蓄保險公司之成員銀行
    A club member; a bank that is a member of the FDIC.
  7. 觀的;充滿希望;擁有希望。
    be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes.
  8. 我不喜歡音
    I don`t like music.
