字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>冷氣的英文翻譯 “冷氣”的日文翻譯


拼音:lěng qì


air conditioning


(1) ∶寒冷的氣流(2) ∶降溫設備中的冷卻空氣(3) ∶冷卻空氣的設備 >>查看“冷氣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 是說,當風扇在overide模式時,風扇會關閉,空調系統變成封閉系統,來自冷氣系統的的空氣會加到通風系統!
    When the BLOWER sw is in OVERIDE mode, the BLOWER fan is turned off.
  2. 你知道是誰把冷氣打開的嗎?
    Do you know who turned the air conditioning on?
  3. 請拿一個冷氣(氮氣)瓶給輪胎充氣。
    Please get me a compressed air (Nitrogen) cylinder to charge the tyre.
  4. 我已經開了冷氣
    I have turned on the air conditioner.
  5. 要不要我打開冷氣啊?
    Shall I turn on the air conditioner?
  6. 當溫度降到一定度數時,空調機就會自動停止輸送冷氣
    When the temperature drops to certain degree, the air-conditioner cut out.
  7. 我怎樣才能把冷氣調小一點兒?
    How can I turn down the air conditioner?
  8. 冷氣候適合蘋果和麥子,但不適合橘子和茶。
    A cold climate suits apples and wheat, but not oranges and tea
