字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>列為的英文翻譯


拼音:liè wéi


【計】 column for


  1. 評論家把他列為第一流的小說家。
    The critics acclaimed him as a novelist of the first water
  2. 你把華滋華斯列為哪一類詩人?
    How do you rank Wordsworth as a poet
  3. 當地的酒吧都已被列為禁止軍人進入的場所。
    The local bars had been placed out of bounds to troops.
  4. 二.TM系列為三元乙丙橡膠(EPDM)產品系列。
    TM is the series of rubber EPDM products.
  5. 但是你仍然想把包裝單獨列為一項,是嗎?
    But you still want to have a separate clause for packaging, right?
  6. 桌球在1992年巴塞隆納奧運會上被列為正式項目。
    Table tennis became a full Olympic sport in 1992 at Barcelona
  7. 他把我列為他的支持者之一。
    He includes me among his supporters.
  8. 位於東涌的分布點已列為「具特別科學價值地點」。
    Moreover, the locality at San Tau has been listed as a SSSI
