字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>淋巴結的英文翻譯 “淋巴結”的日文翻譯


拼音:lín bā jì


【醫】 absorbent gland; conglobate glands; glandulae lymphaticae
globate glands; lvmphoglandula; lymph ganglia; lymph glands
lymph nodes; lymph nodules; lymph-gland; lymphaden; lymphoglandulae
lymphoid node; lymphonodi; lymphonodus; nodi lymphaticus
noduli lymphatici


淋巴管通往靜脈間的大小不一的圓形或橢圓形小體。多成群分布於頸、腋窩、腹股溝、腸系... >>查看“淋巴結”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.lymphonodus  2.popliteallymphnodes  3.lymphaticgland  4.lymphoglandula  5.nodilymphaticipoplitiei  6.lymphnodes  


  1. 特徵是興奮和淋巴結炎。
    characterized by delirium and the formation of buboes.
  2. 家犬頸部血淋巴結的發現和形態學觀察
    Morphological characteristics of haemolymph node in dog′s cervix
  3. 前哨淋巴結定位活檢在腫瘤中的套用研究
    Study of Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Solid Cancers
  4. 良性反應淋巴結的正常外觀。
    Here is the normal appearance of a benign reactive lymph node
  5. 我們的獨木舟……躺在她那像患了淋巴結核一樣的海岸上——法利·莫瓦特。
    our canoe...lay with her scrofulous sides on the shore- Farley Mowat.
  6. 結論 :SH ,GCH患者胃癌第一站淋巴結轉移率較低 ;
    Conclusion: Lymph nodes metastasis rate of SH(+,++) and GCH(+,++) is low .
  7. 胸腹部巨大淋巴結增生症的CT和MR診斷
    CT and MR Diagnosis of Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia in Chest or Abdomen
  8. 63例結核性淋巴結炎臨床分析
    Analyzed in 63 patients with lymph node tuberculosis in a clinical review
