字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>另一個的英文翻譯


拼音:lìng yī gè


the other one


  1. 那山脈從一個國家的邊界延伸到另一個國家的邊界。
    The mountain stretches from the bonder of one country to that of another.
  2. 對立物,相對者和另一個事物相對或相反的事物
    One that is opposite or contrary to another.
  3. 另一個人勸誡他道:"這次不要唱歌了,因為看上去顯得很滑稽。"
    "No rolling on the floor this time," admonished another.
  4. 另一個則在特立尼達島是一位享有盛名的偏遠清真寺的教長。
    Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque
  5. 鏟煤就是用鍬把煤從一個地方移到另一個地方去。
    To shovel coal is to move it from one place to another with a shovel .
  6. 減少的,扣除的關於或標明一個數從另一個上減下來的
    Relating to or designating a quantity to be subtracted from another
  7. 用起重機從一個地方移到另一個地方。
    move from one place to another by lifting.
  8. 競爭,好勝心爭取趕上或超過另一個的努力或野心
    Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another.
