字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>臨近的英文翻譯 “臨近”的日文翻譯


拼音:lín jìn


close to; draw on
【法】 verge


在空間上、時間上、緊接或靠近臨近黎明 >>查看“臨近”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 在長途賽馬臨近終點時,馬與馬這間的距離拉開了。
    The horses were strung out towards the end of a long race
  2. 碼頭上臨近停泊船隻的地區。
    the part of a wharf that is next to a ship
  3. 使某一發音變得與臨近的音相似的語音變化過程。
    a linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound
  4. 隨著會議的臨近,他忙得不可開交。
    His hands are full with the meeting coming up.
  5. 地方選舉日益臨近的時候。
    The countdown to the local election
  6. 附近,時間臨近
    Immediate proximity in time or space.
  7. 地上的居民哪,恐10懼、陷坑、網羅,都臨近你。
    Terror and pit and snare await you, O people of the earth.
  8. 在長途賽馬臨近終點時,馬與馬這間的距離拉開了。
    The horses were strung out towards the end of a long race.
