字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>力求的英文翻譯 “力求”的日文翻譯


拼音:lì qiú


do one's best to; strive to


盡最大的努力 我們力求取得一致意見 >>查看“力求”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 清潔:身體、衣著和居所要力求清潔。
    Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloths, or habitation.
  2. 他們提出了新稅法,力求重新贏得人心。
    They brought in new tax laws in a bid to restore their popularity
  3. 力求企圖得到或贏得某物;力求
    To seek to win or attain something; strive.
  4. 力求在每個業務環節都超越期望。
    To exceed expectations at every point of interaction.
  5. 我們要力求增加出口貨物.
    We must aim at increasing/to increase exports
  6. 在剎車或高速時必須力求使輪子保持直線。
    Had to fight the wheel to stay straight when braking or at motorway speeds.
  7. 這個男孩力求取悅於老師。
    The boy tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher.
  8. 雖然人無完人,但問題力求精益求精。
    Not perfect but well on your way to being a masterpiece
