字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>六月的英文翻譯


拼音:liù yuè


Jun; June


《詩·小雅》篇名。序云:“《六月》, 宣王 北伐也。”《國語·晉語四》:“ ... >>查看“六月”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 六月以來我就沒見過她。
    I haven’t seen her since June.
  2. 六月八日後利息增加到加幣12萬。
    The accrual after June 8 increases to add money 120 thousand.
  3. 我曾指望把它在六月前完成。
    I count on once the completion it before June.
  4. 溫暖宜人的春天;六月宜人的天氣
    A mild spring day; mild weather in June
  5. 如果健康情況容許,我將在六月份來。
    I will come in June if my health permits.
  6. 六月份我有大量的工作要做。
    I have a large amount of work to finish in June
  7. 是年六月,義律把土地分段出售,香港開始有移民居留。
    In June, Elliot began to sell plots of land and settlement began.
  8. 改革建議的第一階段諮詢已在六月完成。
    The first phase of the consultation on the Reform Proposals ended in June.
