字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>留置權的英文翻譯 “留置權”的日文翻譯


拼音:liú zhì quán


【經】 lien; right of lien


  1. 附有留置權的財產
    property subject to a claim
  2. 因為此筆貸款,他對你的住房享有留置權
    For the loan,he could have a lien placed on your home
  3. 海事留置權制度之研究
    A Study on the System of Admiralty Possessory Lien
  4. 汽車修理部在她小汽車上擁有留置權,該權利將延續到付清修理費。
    The garage has a lien on her car until she pay the repair bill.
  5. 法庭授予我對我債務人財產的留置權
    The court granted me a lien on my debtor’s property.
  6. 因為此筆貸款,他對你的住房享有留置權
    For the loan,he could have a lien placed on your home.
  7. 準予對財產擁有留置權以保證義務之履行.
    A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation.
  8. 汽車修理部在她小汽車上擁有留置權,該權利將延續到付清修理費。
    The garage has a lien on her car until she pay the repair bill
