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拼音:lüè shuō




  1. 徒23:26大略說、革老丟呂西亞、請巡撫腓力斯大人安。
    "Claudius Lysias, to the most excellent governor Felix, greetings.
  2. 假使有超過5%的差異,提出簡略說明。
    If there is a variance of more than 5%, provide a brief explanation.
  3. 委員會大略說明了改組的方案。
    The committee drew out a plan for the reorganization
  4. 26大略說:「革老丟呂西亞,請巡撫腓力斯大人安。
    26 Claudius Lysias, To His Excellency, Governor Felix: Greetings.
  5. 然後概略說明進行這些分析的幾個傳統步驟。
    We then outline the steps traditionally used in performing such analyses.
  6. 略說日本傳統體育的“藝道”境界
    On the Realm Art Culture In the Traditional Physical Culture of Japan
  7. 首先我將簡略說明我們商品的特性。
    I will outline the characteristics of our product.
  8. 假使有超過5%的差異,提出簡略說明。
    If there is a variance of more than 5%, provide a brief explanation
