字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>路基的英文翻譯 “路基”的日文翻譯


拼音:lù jī


bed; roadbed


(1) (2) 鐵路和公路的基礎(3) 支承鐵路道碴及鋼軌的表面土方工程(4) ... >>查看“路基”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.roadbed  2.subgrade  3.formation  


  1. 路基碎石或類似物質做的道路或鐵路的基礎;路基
    A foundation of crushed rock or a similar substance for a road or railroad; a roadbed.
  2. 道碴用來鋪公路或鐵路路基的粗砂礫或碎石
    Coarse gravel or crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroads.
  3. 枕木橫放在鐵路基上以固定鐵軌的梁中的一根,通常為木製
    One of the beams, usually made of wood, that are laid across a railroad bed to secure the rails.
  4. 煤灰渣在寒區公路路基中的套用研究
    Research on the use of the coal ash slag on roadbed of coldzone highway
  5. 用來支撐鐵路路軌的路基
    a bed on which railroad track is laid.
  6. 鋪沙石用或似用沙石鋪(鐵路路基
    To fill(a railroad bed) with or as if with ballast
  7. 風積砂路基回彈模量研究
    A Study on Resilience Modulus of Aeolian Sand Subgrade
  8. 海口某城市幹道粉砂土路基施工技術
    Construction Technology of Silt Sand Roadbed of a Main Road in Haikou City
