字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>邏輯推理的英文翻譯


拼音:luó jí tuī lǐ


【法】 logical reasoning


  1. 自然科學基於邏輯推理而不是憑經驗得來的方法來探究事物的本質
    Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
  2. 作為邏輯推理出現;邏輯上地跟隨。
    come as a logical consequence; follow logically
  3. 得出通過邏輯推理得出(例如,真理)
    To arrive at(a truth, for example) by logic
  4. 得出通過邏輯推理得出(例如,真理)
    To arrive at(a truth, for example) by logic.
  5. 他的主要理論蘊含令人信服的邏輯推理
    There is a compelling logic to his main theory.
  6. 他的主要理論蘊含令人信服的邏輯推理
    There is a compelling logic to his main theory
