字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>羅馬法的英文翻譯


拼音:luó mǎ fǎ


【經】 roman law


  1. 羅馬法衰落原因解析
    The Reason of the Roman Law Falling Down
  2. 試論中世紀西歐的羅馬法復興運動
    On the Resurrection of Roman Law in Western Europe during Middle Ages
  3. 羅馬法專家或民法專家
    A specialist in Roman or civil law.
  4. 羅馬法的自然法精神與實踐理性
    Roman Law: The Spirit of Natural Law and Rationality of Practicality
  5. 羅馬法專家或民法專家
    A specialist in Roman or civil law
  6. 統一和分離:羅馬法所有權觀念的演變
    Fusion and Fission: Evolution of Ownership Concept in Roman Law
  7. 羅馬法在中世紀的成長
    The Development of Roman Law in the Middle Ages
  8. 自然法思想與羅馬法的發展
    The Ideology of Natural Law and the Development of Roman Law
