字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>羅網的英文翻譯 “羅網”的日文翻譯


拼音:luó wǎng


net; toil; trap


捕捉鳥獸的網;比喻法網和名利網 >>查看“羅網”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你可以引誘這些昆蟲飛進羅網從而捉住它們。
    You can catch these insects by tempting them to fly into a trap
  2. 羅網難捕老狐。
    The old fox cannot be caught with a snare
  3. 使陷入羅網
    To ensnare in a web.
  4. 具有老化機制的阿波羅網絡模型
    The Model of Apollonian Networks with Aging Mechanism
  5. 抄網從羅網或一個稍大的網中拖魚進入船中的小網
    A small net for drawing fish from a trap or a larger net into a boat
  6. 使陷入羅網
    To ensnare in a web
  7. 誘捕通過或好象通過圈套或羅網逮著
    To take by or as if by trapping or snaring.
  8. 我曾常用羅網捕捉麻雀等小鳥。
    I used to snare small birds such as sparrows.
