拼音:lǜ zhōu英文解釋:
oasis【醫】 oasis
孤立的有植被的小塊肥沃地(如在沙漠中的) >>查看“綠洲”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 沙漠綠洲 杜拜皇家夢幻度假項目的景觀設計實踐Dreamland in the Desert The Landscape Design of Royal Mirage Dubai
- 綠洲容許人們在沙漠裡生活6 An oasis allows life to go on in a desert
- 該鎮是貧窮荒漠中的一塊繁榮的"綠洲"。The town was an oasis of prosperity in a desert of poverty
- 史丹利公園是城市中心的綠洲。Stanley Park is an oasis in the center of the city.
- 馬雷市是綠洲地區中一座凌亂的城市,是用白色的、死氣沉沉的磚塊一塊塊堆壘起來的。Mari was a scrawl over the oasis, built piecemeal in a pallid, dead brick
- 蘇丹的綠洲中的池塘正在乾枯。The pond is drying in the Sultan$s oasis.
- 我的家就是我的綠洲。一回到家,我就感到放鬆。My home is like my oasis. Whenever I go there, I feel good.
- 這真是城市裡難得的一片綠洲。This is a rare oasis in the city