字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>冒的英文翻譯 “冒”的日文翻譯



emit; rashly; risk


冒 mào 向外透或往上升:冒煙(a.煙往上升;b.發怒)。冒汗。冒尖。 不顧...


  1. 在月球上,登月探險者們著被撞擊的極大危險。
    On the moon, the lunar explorers ran a considerable risk of being hit.
  2. 複方對乙醯氨基酚膠囊治療感發熱、疼痛的療效和安全性
    Effect and safety of compound acetaminophen capsule
  3. 涉及有心計的歹徒或者險家,特別指一種小說樣式。
    involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction
  4. 在拯救他的太太時,他了自己喪生的危險。
    When saving his wife, he ran the risk of losing his own life.
  5. 這些槍手的背景各種各樣,幹事情的方式也不相同,但都有個共同的特點:他們都是殺手。他們不管三七二十一,往往先把人幹掉再說,儘量不險。
    they did their best to take no chances
  6. 多吃一些維生素會減少你得感的可能性。
    Taking extra vitamins may reduce your liability to colds.
  7. 約翰身體很不好,常常患感
    John is in rather poor health and is subject to colds.
  8. 我感傳染了她, 她又傳給她丈夫了.
    She caught my cold and passed it on to (ie infected) her husband
