字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>冒充的英文翻譯 “冒充”的日文翻譯


拼音:mào chōng


imitate; imitation; pretend to be
【計】 masquerading


以假充真古希臘的人往往冒充鬼的樣子 >>查看“冒充”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 博伊德企圖把一架用過的收音機冒充新的賣給克蘭。
    Boyd tried to palm off a secondhand radio as a new one on Crane.
  2. 冒充自己是一個大夫。
    He passed himself off as a doctor
  3. 贗品;冒充
    Something false; a sham
  4. 冒牌貨假的或冒充的人、物;贗品
    One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.
  5. 冒充的威爾斯口音
    a phoney Welsh accent
  6. 他企圖冒充軍官, 但當場被抓獲.
    He was caught trying to impersonate a military officer.
  7. 偷盜暴發後,賊冒充紳士。
    Theif passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich
  8. 那個男人被控冒充官員。
    The man was accused of impersonating a officer
