字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>冒煙的英文翻譯 “冒煙”的日文翻譯


拼音:mào yān


fume; reek; smoke; smoking


(1) (2) 煙霧的升起和消失香爐里冒出一縷青煙(3) 出煙,出汽氯化氫在潮... >>查看“冒煙”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 看得見遠處的煙囪在冒煙
    A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance
  2. 冒煙的或充滿煙霧的。
    marked by or emitting or filled with smoke.
  3. 它不是一輛好車,因為它冒煙,發出臭味並排放出污染物體。
    It is not a good car, however, for it produces smoke, odor and pollutants.
  4. 它不是一輛好車,因為它冒煙,發出臭味並排放出污染物體。
    It is not a good car, however, for it produces smoke, odor and pollutants
  5. 草堆在冒煙
    The pile of hay is smoking .
  6. 嗓子喝得直冒煙
    The smith has always a spark in his throat
  7. 基於Tcl的ARP協定冒煙測試系統設計
    Design of Smoke Testing System of ARP Based on Tcl
  8. 不怎么冒煙的、含煙量很少的或無煙的。
    emitting or containing little or no smoke.
