字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>門把的英文翻譯 “門把”的日文翻譯


拼音:mén bà


door knob


被轉動時可打開門鎖的把手 >>查看“門把”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 使門把嘎嘎作響
    to rattle the handle of a door
  2. 人事部門把我的稅收表格給弄丟了。
    Personnel has lost my tax forms.
  3. 擦亮門把
    polish up the handle of door
  4. 我答應要修門把, 可我抽不出時間修。
    I promised to repair the doorknob, but I had never got round to it.
  5. 凸起物或門把
    A protuberance or knob.
  6. 他關門用力過猛,連門把手都擰了下來。
    He closed the door so hard that he wrenched the handle off
  7. 門把手很容易拉動,連小孩也能開門。
    The handle pulls so easily that a child could open the door.
  8. 他通過走後門把他兒子弄進了一所飛行學校。
    He got hid son into a flying school through the back door
