字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>門票的英文翻譯 “門票”的日文翻譯


拼音:mén piào


【經】 pass check


(1) ∶入場券(2) ∶入場費 >>查看“門票”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.ducat  2.passcheck  


  1. 這位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部門票都銷售一空——顯然,公眾認為這將是她最後一次告別演出。
    All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song.
  2. 我們從門票收入中賺回演出的費用。
    We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales.
  3. 他送給我們足球賽的門票
    He complimented us with tickets for the football game.
  4. “此劇的門票是50美分,”比爾說。
    "Tickets to the play are four bits," said Bill.
  5. 這種場合的門票一般來說是要緊張點。
    And usually tickets on such occasion is a little short of.
  6. 出示門票才可進入。
    Entrance is permitted only on production of a ticket
  7. 就是跑到天涯海角,我也得弄到一張這場搖滾音樂會的門票
    I would go to the ends of the earth to get a ticket for the rock concert
  8. 小到使用無毒油墨印刷門票
    The utensils are made of paper.
