字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>棉的的英文翻譯


拼音:mián de


【建】 cottonous; cottony


  1. 一種灰色或綠色的纖維狀礦物,是商業石棉的重要來源。
    a gray or green fibrous mineral; an important source of commercial asbestos
  2. FA201型梳棉機間歇吸落棉的設計探討
    Design of Intermittent Suction System of FA201 Card
  3. 呼吸充滿了石棉的空氣可能對健康有害。
    Breathing asbestos-laden air may be hazardous to health.
  4. 纖蛇紋石構成商業石棉的一種纖維狀的蛇紋岩
    A fibrous mineral variety of serpentine forming part of commercial asbestos
  5. 轉Bt基因抗蟲棉的生態風險及治理對策
    Ecological risk of Bt transgenic cotton and its management strategy.
  6. 棉的晨袍、棉上衣、棉被
    A wadded dressing-gown, jacket, quilt
  7. 這是全棉的
    It is 100% cotton.
  8. 接觸石棉的工人需穿防護衣.
    Workers who handle asbestos need to wear protective clothing.
