字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>免費的的英文翻譯


拼音:miǎn fèi de


franco; free; gratis; gratuitous; zoom
【法】 free of charge; gratuitous


  1. 瑪麗太蠢了,偷免費的布丁。
    Marry is so stupid, she stole free pudding.
  2. 當然,對代表團的成員用餐都是免費的
    Of course, the food is free for all the delegation members.
  3. 同時我們將使用免費的,可移植的X視窗系統。
    We will use the free, portable X window system as well.
  4. 這姑娘每周“給”她母親一件免費的衣服。
    The girl "gave" her mother a free dress once a week!
  5. 要不要我寄給您免費的樣品?
    Shall I send you a free sample?
  6. 招待券,贈送券免費的東西如戲票、書籍
    Something, such as a theater ticket or a book, given free of charge.
  7. 免費的,不收酬勞的無需回報或無償地給予或授予的;無所獲取的
    Given or granted without return or recompense; unearned.
  8. 約翰喜歡上網,找尋免費的MP3音樂下載。
    John likes to surf the web looking for free MP3 music to download.
