字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>綿延的英文翻譯 “綿延”的日文翻譯


拼音:mián yán


be continuous


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  1. 另一扇車窗中,灰綠色草原綿延不絕,四處是凌亂的罌粟。
    Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies
  2. 在一個溫和的日子裡,綿延不斷的澳大利亞紅土地看起來如此溫軟。
    Red earth rolls gently through the Australian landscape on a temperate day.
  3. 在下面的山谷里綿延著幾英里的核桃樹.
    Below in the valley lie miles of walnut trees.
  4. 綿延幾英里的白色柵欄。
    miles of whitewashed fences.
  5. 一、人種的綿延不絕。
    1. The perpetuation of mankind.
  6. 在一個溫和的日子裡,綿延不斷的澳大利亞紅土地看起來如此溫軟。
    Red earth rolls gently through the Australian landscape on a temperate day
  7. 夾塊,夾石綿延的地層中大塊的移位岩石
    A large block of displaced rock that is caught along a fault
  8. 夾塊,夾石綿延的地層中大塊的移位岩石
    A large block of displaced rock that is caught along a fault.
