字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>滅亡的英文翻譯 “滅亡”的日文翻譯


拼音:miè wáng


bane; become extinct; crumble; die out; perdition


(1) ∶消失帝國的滅亡過程韓魏滅亡。——《戰國策&mi... >>查看“滅亡”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.ruination  2.perish  3.perdition  4.lose  5.shend  6.cometoruin  7.gotoruin  8.falltoruin  9.bane  10.crumble  11.destruction  12.downfall  13.feudalism  14.cometotheground  


  1. 只要有更短而又直接通往滅亡的大道,這世上就可省卻不少悲哀與憂愁的吧。
    If there only some shorter and more direct route to the devil, it would save an awful lot of sorrow and anxiety in this world.
  2. 我們已無法控制局勢,戰爭機器緩緩走向滅亡
    The situation was out of our hands and the war machine ground on towards disaster.
  3. 兩年後,吳國首都再次陷落,夫差自殺,吳國就這樣滅亡了。
    Fujian killed himself, marking the demise of his state.
  4. 在絕地組織滅亡後,光劍成為一種罕見的文物。
    After the extermination of the Jedi ranks, lightsabers became rare relics.
  5. 信仰危機與南京國民政府的滅亡
    On the Credibility Crisis and the Downfall of Nanking Kuomintang Government
  6. 文希拉生前是個以消滅亡靈為己任的騎士。
    In life, Winsela was a knight obsessed with destroying the undead
  7. 3我的仇敵轉身退去的時候,他們一見你的面,就跌倒滅亡
    When my enemies turn back, They stumble and perish at Your presence.
