字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>名目的英文翻譯 “名目”的日文翻譯


拼音:míng mù


【法】 appellation


  1. P3418背《唐沙州諸鄉欠枝夫人戶名目》研究
    TX A Study of Dunhuang Manuscript P 3418 Verso
  2. 將牌——花色定約(有將定約)指定名目花色的每一張牌。
    Trump — each card of the denomination named in a suit contract
  3. 我們這隊需要一個新的舞蹈名目
    Our squad needs a new routine
  4. 巧立名目, 搜刮民財
    extort people's wealth under all sorts of pretexts
  5. 小玩意叫不出名目或沒有名目的小裝置或小玩意兒
    An unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket.
  6. 一些學生真的很喜歡這些名目繁多的課程。
    Some of the students really turned on to these different courses.
  7. 名目擊者將他從辨認佇列中指認出來,說他就是搶匪。
    A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber.
  8. 名目擊者將他從辨認佇列中指認出來,說他就是搶匪。
    A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber
