字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>名聲的英文翻譯 “名聲”的日文翻譯


拼音:míng shēng


repute; reputation; mark; popularity; publicity; renown
【法】 character; reputation


名譽;公眾的評價:名聲大噪|二爺的名聲不大好聽呢。 >>查看“名聲”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 不過一些名人--無論是赫赫有名的還是名聲不太好聽的,都緊隨其後。
    But a host of famous and infamous celebrities were not far behind.
  2. 不應得的懦弱的名聲
    has an undeserved reputation as a coward
  3. 他們以損毀他名聲的辦法迫使他離職。
    They have him hounded out by a conspiracy to damage his good name
  4. 名聲並不總是與人們所說的一樣好。
    Fame is not always what it is cracked up to be.
  5. 寧要美好名聲,不要巨額財富。
    A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.
  6. 名聲狼籍
    having a bad reputation
  7. 你的行為在玷污我們的名聲
    Your behavior is causing our reputation to be dragged through the muck.
  8. 在鄰居心目中,她的名聲清白無暇。
    She stood fair in the opinion of the neighbourhood.
