字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>末的英文翻譯 “末”的日文翻譯



end; last stage; minor details; powder; tip
【醫】 tele-; telo-


末 mò 尖端,梢:末梢。末端。秋毫之末(毫毛尖端)。 最後,終了:末了(li...


  1. 爪形器具類似爪的東西,如錘頭的“V”狀
    Something, such as the cleft end of a hammerhead, that resembles a claw.
  2. 我們周做一些瑣碎的家務事.
    We spent the weekend pottering around (in) the house.
  3. 歐亞草本植物,傘房花序端開白色或淡紫色花。
    Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb
  4. 這個周你打算怎么過?
    What are you going to do this weekend?
  5. (3) break會中斷當前循環,並移離當前標籤的尾。
    (3)A break “drops out of the bottom” of the loop
  6. 這個周前給我回音。
    Let me know by the end of the week.
  7. (上周,我和雅各一起去圖書館準備期終考。)
    Last weekend, Jacob and I prepared for our mid-term exams in the library.
  8. 硼砂是一種白色粉
    Borax is a kind of white powder
