字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>母的的英文翻譯


拼音:mǔ de


【醫】 maternal


  1. 她對父母的意願一向很尊重。
    She always regards her parent's wishes.
  2. 這本書以幽默的筆觸論述了父母的身份。
    The book takes a humorous look at parenthood
  3. 許多在城市裡獨居的姑娘,由於沒有父母的管教而誤入歧途。
    Many girls living alone in the city,go astray for lack of parental control.
  4. 愛麗絲很高興,因為她的男朋友得到父母的青睞。
    Alice was so happy that her boyfriend made a hit with her parents
  5. 孩子們通常以違背父母的意願來反抗他們
    Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes
  6. 首字母的一個單詞的第一個或前幾個字母
    Designating the first letter or letters of a word.
