字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>木結構的英文翻譯 “木結構”的日文翻譯


拼音:mù jié gòu




  1. 木材、木製品或木結構
    Timber or objects and structures made of it.
  2. 木造的木製的或木結構的,尤指木料外露的
    Made of or framed by timbers, especially exposed timbers.
  3. 這所廟宇是木結構的。
    The ancient temple was built of wood.
  4. 這幢房子是木結構的磚瓦房。
    The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick
  5. 這座舊房子的一些木結構部分已被啃壞了。
    Some of the woodwork in this old house has been gnawed away
  6. 木結構的防腐防蟲和防火
    protection of timber structure against decay insects and fire
  7. 木結構如船或房屋的木架結構等用木料造的結構
    A structure made with timbers, as the framework of a boat or house
  8. 加拿大木結構住宅的結構與施工
    Structure and Construction of Canadian Wood Structure Residence
