字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>母親的的英文翻譯


拼音:mǔ qīn de


maternal; motherly


  1. 母親的腿好些之前, 醫生不允許她起床。
    The doctor will not permit mother up until her leg is better.
  2. 母親身份作為母親的狀態
    The state of being a mother.
  3. 小孩子是父母親的一大歡樂。
    Little children are a great joy to their parents.
  4. 雙性合體、普羅米修斯與母親的性別
    Androgyny, Prometheus, and the Gender of Mother
  5. 這孩子不依她母親的話。
    The baby is not willing to comply with her mamma's words.
  6. 沒有母親的母親不為人知的
    Having no known mother.
  7. 母親的確很偉大,我總是為有這樣的母親感到自豪。
    My mother is great indeed. And I always feel proud of her.
  8. 母親身份;母道作為母親的狀態;母道
    The state of being a mother; motherhood.
