字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>年產量的英文翻譯


拼音:nián chǎn liáng


【計】 yearly output
【經】 annual output; yearly output


1.annualoutput  2.annualyield  3.yearlyoutput  4.annualproduct  5.annualcapacity  


  1. 那等於一座高30英尺造價昂貴的轉爐的年產量,真了不起!
    That's as much as the output of a costly converter, thirty feet high, really wonderful!
  2. 第二年產量又開始上升了。
    Output picked up again in the following year.
  3. 這家鋼鐵廠的年產量達500000噸。
    The annual output of the steel plant amounts to 500000 tons.
  4. 公司擁有世界一流的數控加工中心,一期年產量可達200,000支刀具。
    Yearly capacity for the 1st stage is around 200,000 pcs of cutting tools.
  5. 年產量約計50萬噸。
    The yearly output approximates to 500 000 tons.
  6. 按比例提高鋼的年產量
    Scale up the annual output of steel
  7. 第二年產量又開始上升了。
    Output picked up again in the following year.
