字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>農場主的英文翻譯


拼音:nóng cháng zhǔ


【法】 farmer


  1. 農場主的收入會受到些影響,但還不至於到挨餓的程度。
    The farmers might suffer some loss of income but no one would starve.
  2. 這個農場主的農場裡有20隻母羊。
    The farmer has 20 ewes on his farm.
  3. 農場主必須將他的一群生了病的菜牛殺死。
    The farmer must put his herd of diseased beef cattle to death.
  4. 他把我們介紹給幾個殷實的農場主
    He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers.
  5. 那個農場主在他的農場裡有一個葡萄園。
    The farmer has a vineyard on his farm.
  6. 那個農場主揚言說,無論哪條狗,如果咬死他的一隻羊,他就要開槍打死它。
    The farmer threatened to shoot any dog that killed one of his sheep .
  7. 這位農場主死前把土地分給3個兒子每人一份。
    The farmer portioned his land to his three sons before he died .
