字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>濃重的英文翻譯 “濃重”的日文翻譯


拼音:nóng zhòng


dense; strong; thick


氣味色彩等濃而重色彩濃重 >>查看“濃重”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 低音單簧管在木管樂組中形成濃重的低音。
    The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group
  2. 土音一種濃重的地方口音,尤指濃重的愛爾蘭口音
    A strong dialectal accent, especially a strong Irish accent
  3. 福祿考花的縷縷新鮮、濃重的香味使她充滿活力。
    A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her.
  4. 他說話帶著濃重的英國口音。
    He spoke with a pronounced English accent
  5. 他說話帶有濃重的蘇格蘭口音。
    He’s got a broad Scotch accent
  6. 空氣里有濃重的稻花香氣。
    The air was heavy with the aroma of the paddy fields.
  7. 回想它們昔日濃重的陰影;
    Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
  8. 但是這種團圓卻又並不屬於喜劇範疇,反而帶有濃重的悲劇色彩。
    Yet, this reunion is not comic, but with a strong tragic feature
