字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>努的英文翻譯 “努”的日文翻譯



exert; protrude; put forth


努 nǔ 儘量地使出力量:努力。 突出,撅著:努著嘴。努嘴。 因用力太過,身體...


  1. 我在力爭取巨大的成就,因而就得作出巨大的力。
    I am going out for big results and I must make a big effort.
  2. 四是力發展服務業。
    Fourth, we worked hard to develop service industries.
  3. 我們正力復興那些古老的習俗。
    We are trying to revive the old customs.
  4. 他花費了很多時間力尋找一切可能的線索。
    He spent much of his time chasing down all possible clues.
  5. 他們正在力製造一台程式控制計算機。
    They are working hard to produce a program-controlled computer
  6. 我們的每一個進步都有您無私的力和奉獻。
    Every step forward taken by us contains your selfless effort and devotion.
  7. 一種(力或者奢侈的)炫耀的表現。
    an ostentatious display (of effort or extravagance etc.).
  8. 做了這么多
    Come this far(made so much progress up to this point)
