字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>派出的英文翻譯


拼音:pài chū


expedite; throw out


1.throwout  2.expedite  3.outgrowth  


  1. 總統派出他的高級助手去組織安排對立派別之間的和平談判。
    The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions.
  2. 我們對派出維持和平部隊此舉表示歡迎。
    We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force.
  3. 她被派出國執行一項艱巨任務。
    She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment.
  4. 每位市長候選人都派出人馬到市內各地遊說拉票。
    Each mayoral candidate sent people to canvass various areas of the city.
  5. 在1996年的危機中,美國曾經派出過兩艘航空母艦。
    We saw the dispatch of two aircraft carriers in the crisis of 1996.
  6. 派出少年足球班遠赴巴西受訓。
    The junior football class was sent to Brazil to undertake training.
  7. 聯合國派出了一組觀察員出席和平談判。
    The united nation send a team of observer to the peace talk
  8. 派出一個小分隊暗中監視敵人的行動。
    He sent out a party to spy the enemy
