字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>排演的英文翻譯 “排演”的日文翻譯


拼音:pái yǎn


rehearsal; rehearse


戲劇、舞蹈等上演前,演員在導演的指導下,逐段練習 >>查看“排演”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 由於下鄉了,我們沒能參加這次排演
    We missed the rehearsal through being in the countryside.
  2. 排演話劇的過程很複雜
    The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated
  3. 我們希望明晚他們能來看我們的排演
    We hope they will come round tomorrow evening to watch our rehearsal.
  4. 這齣戲的不足之處在排演中才暴露出來。
    The weaker points of the play only became apparent in rehearsal.
  5. 他們為了慶祝聖誕節排演了一出場面壯觀的表演。
    they put on a Christmas spectacular
  6. 排演通知劇院裡貼的預演次數的通告
    A notice of rehearsal times posted in a theater
  7. 排演一齣戲
    rehearse a play
  8. 我們必須在5時前來製片廠排演,並於7時至10時拍戲。
    We must be at the studio for rehearsals by 5 and on camera from 7 to 10.
