字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>賠錢的英文翻譯 “賠錢”的日文翻譯


拼音:péi qián


be out of pocket


(1) ∶賠本賠錢的買賣(2) ∶賠償錢財砸壞了人家的東西要賠錢 >>查看“賠錢”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 短期內我們會賠錢,但從長遠看,利潤將會是豐厚的。
    In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large.
  2. 我不敢買股票,怕賠錢
    I'm shy of buying shares, in case I lose money.
  3. 航空公司因有幾架飛機暫時不能使用而正在賠錢
    With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
  4. 這一思路既適用於賺錢的股票,也適用於賠錢的股票。
    That logic applies to losers as well as winners.
  5. 在那筆交易上他們肯定要賠錢
    They will certainly lose out on that deal.
  6. 你的賭場在賠錢,也許我們能經營好一點。
    Michael Corleone: Your casino loses money. Maybe we can do better.
  7. 這個公司做買賣賺錢[賠錢]
    The firm is trading (ie doing business) at a profit/loss
  8. 他不願冒賠錢的風險
    He is not willing to run the risk of losing his money
