字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>噴槍的英文翻譯


拼音:pēn qiāng


【機】 spray gun


1.sponginggun  2.sprayingpistol  3.spraygun  4.airbrush  5.paintspraygun  6.spraygun  7.injectionlance  8.paintsprayingpistol  9.gunjet  10.spraylance  


  1. 寶鋼1號高爐噴槍傳動設備設計及使用
    Design and operation of lance hoisting device of No l BF of BaoSteel
  2. 直流非轉移弧熱電漿噴槍加熱效率分析
    Research on the thermal efficiency of a DC non-transfer arc plasma torch
  3. 脫硫噴槍耐火澆注料的研究與套用
    Development and Application of Injection Lance Castable
  4. 套用噴槍工具、直線工具和塗抹工具來畫出頭髮的走勢。
    Loose flow of hair painted with airbrush, line tool and smudge.
  5. 噴槍弄得滿眼的水
    Got an eyeful of water from the squirt gun.
  6. 在另一個圖層上用基本的噴槍繪製韻。
    Clouds were done with a basic airbrush on an additional layer.
  7. 脫硫噴槍溫度場動態仿真
    Dynamic Simulation of Temperature Field in Desulfurizing Lance
  8. 在另一個圖層上用基本的噴槍繪製韻。
    Clouds were done with a basic airbrush on an additional layer
