字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>皮的英文翻譯 “皮”的日文翻譯



hull; husk; leather; naughty; peel; skin; surface; tegument
【醫】 commune integumentum; Cort.; cortex; cortices; cutis; derm; derma-
dermat-; dermato-; dermo; integument; integumentum; skin


皮 pí 動植物體表的一層組織:皮毛。 獸皮或皮毛的製成品:裘皮。 包在外面的...


1.tegument  2.husk  3.peel  4.rind  5.hull  6.cutis  7.integument  8.derma  9.HUD  


  1. 他的黑色沙發看上去很昂貴。
    His black leather couch looks expensive.
  2. 因空氣乾燥子都皺了。
    The dry air shrivels the leather.
  3. 塑膠有時可以替代革。
    Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather.
  4. 孩子問老師leather(革)是什麼,老師說是:hide(皮),他問老師為什麼讓他hide(藏起來)。這個故事是用文字來開玩笑。
    The boy asked his teacher what leather was and she said "Hide." He asked why she told him go hide. This story plays on words.
  5. 她的膚像絲綢一樣光滑。
    Her skin is as smooth as silk.
  6. 他的膚是棕色的
    He had brown skin.
  7. 我有一副連指手套。
    I have a pair of leather mittens.
  8. 戴著護手套的機車手們正在等待比賽開始。
    Motorcyclists with leather gauntlets are waiting for the start of the game.
