字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>騙過的英文翻譯


拼音:piàn guò


【法】 take into camp


  1. 他今天已騙過我一次了。
    He has served me a trick today.
  2. 村民們就這樣騙過了國王,保護了自己的農田。
    So,the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the King.
  3. 他不僅騙過了火焰杯,還打敗了身為傲羅的穆迪?
    Yet he could fool the Goblet of Fire and out-duel Mad-Eye Moody?
  4. 我們信任他,因為我們知道他從來沒有欺騙過任何人。
    We trust him because we know he has never deceived anyone.
  5. 他設法騙過了敵軍士兵,而且應付得很好。
    He planned to deceive the enemy soldiers and carried it off very well.
  6. 我信賴他,他從來沒有欺騙過我。
    He confided his secret to me.
