字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>票據市場的英文翻譯


拼音:piào jù shì cháng


【經】 acceptance market


  1. 積極發展我國票據市場
    The Development of Chinese Bill Market
  2. 我國票據市場發展的現狀及對策
    The Situation and Measure of Our Bill Market Developing
  3. 我國目前票據市場的問題與對策
    The Problems of Current Bill Market and its Countermeasures
  4. 票據市場應堅持真實交易背景
    Bill Discounting Market Should Base on Ture Track
  5. 發展票據市場拓寬中小企業融資渠道
    Developing Bill Market to Widen Financing Channel of SME
  6. 票據市場犯罪面面觀
    Grand View of Crime in the Bill Market
  7. 透視我國票據市場
    Analysis of Bill Market of China
