字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>僻靜的的英文翻譯


拼音:pì jìng de




  1. 教堂坐落在村子的一個僻靜的角落裡。
    The church stands in a quiet corner of the village.
  2. 他住在海邊的一個僻靜的村子裡。
    He lived in a quiet village near the sea
  3. 最後車開到一條僻靜的街上。
    At last the car turned into a quiet street
  4. 我們發現沿著海灣有一個僻靜的海灘。
    We found a secluded sandy beach along an arm of the sea
  5. 僻靜的或幽靜的地方
    A secluded or isolated place.
  6. 這裡有什麼僻靜的角落,可以讓我們單獨坐下來談談嗎
    Is there a private corner where we can sit and talk by ourselves
  7. 僻靜的住處一處可以獨居的地方;隱蔽的場所
    A place where one can live in seclusion; a retreat
  8. 她喜歡在自己僻靜的花園裡曬日光浴。
    She liked to sunbathe in the seclusion of her own garden.
