字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>牽制的英文翻譯 “牽制”的日文翻譯


拼音:qiān zhì


diversionary; hold down; hold in play; keep at bay; pin; pin down; tie up
【法】 containment


(1) ∶拖住使不能自由行動為敵人重炮轟擊所牽制(2) ∶約束;控制無所牽制 >>查看“牽制”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.diversion  2.containment  3.holdinplay  4.keep...atbay  5.holddown  6.keep/hold/have...atbay  7.haveatbay  8.corset  9.heldatbay  10.pindown  11.keptatbay  12.holdatbay  13.tocheck  14.check  15.pin  


  1. 前來增援的裝甲部隊受到空襲的牽制
    Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes.
  2. 如果這匹馬不受牽制,它就會跳過籬笆。
    If the horse had not been held in, he would have cleared the fence.
  3. 我們對入侵之敵採取牽制的方針,以備組織好兵力將之擊退。
    Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
  4. 進行牽制
    create [make] a diversion
  5. 我們牽制住他的攻擊者使他得以逃脫。
    We enabled him to escape by holding his attackers in play.
  6. 這支部隊承擔了牽制叛軍的任務。
    The army was charged with the containment of the rebel forces.
  7. 戰士們設法牽制住敵人,等待援兵到來。
    The soldiers tried to keep the attacking enemy in check until help came.
  8. 波斯軍隊被牽制了整天。
    All day long the army of the Persians was kept at bay.
