字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>祈禱者的英文翻譯


拼音:qí dǎo zhě


prayer; supplicator


  1. 犁頭服從人使喚,上帝報答祈禱者
    As the plow follows words, so God rewards prayers.
  2. 安靜些吧,我的心,這些大樹都是祈禱者呀。
    Be still, my heart, these great trees are prayers.
  3. 向…祈禱對…作祈禱;祈禱者祈訴
    To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer
  4. 照過X光的祈禱者捕獲了一個灰色盤子。
    The X-rayed prayer preyed a gray tray.
  5. 向…祈禱對…作祈禱;祈禱者祈訴
    To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer.
  6. 晚禱鍾提醒祈禱者集合的鐘
    A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.
  7. 這個人是個祈禱者並負責為阿塔塞克西斯王(波斯國王)運送杯子。
    The man of prayer and Cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes.
  8. 另一個前阿肯色州州長會成為保守的祈禱者們的答案嗎?
    Is another former governor of Arkansas the answer to conservative prayers?
