字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>切的的英文翻譯


拼音:qiē de


【醫】 incisal; incised; incisive


  1. 一個悲切的聲音唱著,“我們的婚姻還存在嗎?”
    A mournful voice sings, "Are we still married"
  2. 禮貌尊重或關切的話。
    a courteous or respectful or considerate remark.
  3. 切的保證
    a reliable guarantee
  4. 突然說出突然說出的簡短言語,尤指簡短殷切的祈禱
    A sudden, short exclamation, especially a brief, pious utterance or prayer.
  5. 請接受我最深切的同情,並向他的家屬轉達我的慰問。
    Please accept my deepest sympathy and convey my sympathy to his family.
  6. 樂於助人的;親切的。?
    Accommodating: eager to help or please; obliging?
  7. 18求你看顧我的困苦,我的艱難,赦免我一切的罪。
    Look upon my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins.
  8. 請告訴我確切的時間。
    Tell me the exact time, please.
